Homme By `Hitman` Bang - Man Should Laugh
Homme’s Lee Hyun and Chang-min are back to conquer this summer! Bang Si-hyuk’s project group Homme by "Hitman" Bang commits to a second launch! Lee Hyun and Chang-min are back with ‘Man Should Laugh’.
Lee Hyun and Chang-min are back as they have teamed up again for “Hitman” Bang Si-hyuk’s signature project, Homme by ‘Hitman’ Bang. After becoming very popular with their 2010 album, ‘I was able to eat’, Homme is ready to tackle the summer season with their new song, ‘Man Should Laugh’. Fans are ever welcoming of the news, as the duo was on fire last summer. There is only one reason why Lee Hyun and Chang-min are teaming up again as Homme; it's to thank their fans for their great love. Chang-min, nonetheless the best idol singer, and top-notch vocalist, Lee Hyun, harmonize to quench the heat of this summer.
Music video containing the two different colored love of two tough guys
Chang-min and Lee Hyun transformed themselves into, respectively, touch men and sweet guy in the music video, showing off different kinds of charms. Lee Chae-young, who also starred in the music video ‘I was able to eat’, joined Homme once again to continue their fateful story. Two attractive guys, and Lee Chae-young who walks on a tightrope between them. The music video describing a love story between the three was curious enough for many who wondered who would win the favor of Lee Chae-young. Lee Hyun, in his dandy suits, and Chang-min, in his tough-looking, leather jacket, showed that both could be as sexy as they can be without even showing skin. Also, the fight scene between Lee Hyun and Chang-min boasts a sophisticated visual image, which reminds people of the movie ‘The Man from Nowhere’.
It's an album worth keeping!
Homme plans to release a summer special edition for fans who want more. The album contains ‘Still Eating Well’, which was loved so much last summer, along with two new songs. Also, to thank all the fans, I.myss mist, which was designated as the official cosmetic product of the 2011 Miss Korea Contest, was provided as a gift along with the album. The album and gift, contained within transparent packs marked with the logo Homme, drew attention due to its unique package. Since the summer’s special edition is limited in quantity (5,000), the gift shall be meaningful for fans.
- 1 Man Should Laugh 3’43”
- 2 Obvious Love Song 3’27”
- 3 I was able to eat 3’43”